

Turning off the tap

Turning off the Tap: how the world can end plastic pollution and create a circular economy. United Nations Environment Programme (2023). Useful in addressing multiple stakeholders as to how different roles can mitigate the challenges associated with marine plastic pollution such as the idea of a circular economy, reducing disposable plastic and saving money by

Turning off the tap2023-12-12T16:52:47+00:00

Bio-Based Plastics

Bio-Based Plastics Aim to Capture Carbon. but at What Cost? Simon, M. (2022). Helpful for understanding potential technologies that can be used to address marine plastic pollution, but what the challenges are that prevent it from being taken further than just an idea. Source: https://www.wired.com/story/bio-based-plastics-aim-to-capture-carbon-but-at-what-cost Author: Simon, M. (2022). Image: Courtesy of wired.com

Bio-Based Plastics2023-12-12T16:52:47+00:00

Plastic Soup – Microbeads

Microbeads VS Microplastics in Cosmetics. [online] Beat the Microbead Plastic Soup Foundation (2023). Educates individuals on products that contain microplastics and allows them to make an informed decision about a more sustainable product they could swap it with. Source:  https://www.beatthemicrobead.org/microplastics-vs-microbeads Author:  beatthemicrobead.org Recent Work Contact Details

Plastic Soup – Microbeads2023-12-12T16:52:47+00:00

Plastics 101

Plastics, 101 by National Geographic Plastics 101 | National Geographic. YouTube, Helpful in summarising the way plastic is being manufactured currently is bad for the environment and suggests how society can move away from using plastic. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggh0Ptk3VGE Author:  National Geographic (2018) Recent Work Contact Details

Plastics 1012023-12-12T16:52:47+00:00

Liability in Marine Plastics

Liability and Compensation for Marine Plastic Pollution: Conceptual Issues and Possible Ways Forward A peer-reviewed paper exploring the challenges and benefits of how liability and compensation schemes can help resolve marine plastic pollution Source: https://doi.org/10.1017/aju.2020.40 Author: Maljean-Dubois, S. and Mayer, B. (2020).     Recent Work Contact

Liability in Marine Plastics2023-12-12T16:52:47+00:00

Your cup is toxic

Sorry, Your Paper Coffee Cup Is a Toxic Nightmare. Wired UK Encourages individuals to rethink the sustainability of paper cups, provoking thought at what other alternatives might be better for the environment. Source: https://www.wired.co.uk/article/paper-cups-toxic Author: Weiss, S. (2023). Image: Shutterstock 2023 Recent Work Contact Details

Your cup is toxic2023-12-13T07:46:15+00:00

Plymouth in the Top 5%

The University of Plymouth has maintained its position as one of the world’s top five universities for marine research and teaching in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2022. The rankings are the only global performance tables that assess universities against the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In relation to SDG 14:

Plymouth in the Top 5%2023-12-13T07:48:00+00:00

What’s next for plastic ?

Eco-friendly plastic technologies ? A new article covering an overview and trends of plastic production and degradation technology using microorganisms has been published. Eco-friendly and sustainable plastic production and degradation technology using microorganisms as a core technology to achieve a plastic circular economy was presented. Plastic is one of the important materials in

What’s next for plastic ?2023-12-13T07:47:42+00:00


About Tiakara

Tiakara is a second year student at the University of Plymouth, studying Environment Management and Sustainability

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